Rev. John Moore
Rev. John M. Moore is a native of North Carolina. After graduating from High School, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he served for 30 years. Rev Moore and his wife Elizabeth arrived in the DC/Maryland area for the second time in 1988 after serving for 3 years in Hawaii.
After his retirement from the Air Force, Pastor Moore worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for 12 years, retiring from the Federal Government in 2002. In 2005 Rev. Moore joined the Pastoral Staff of Evangel Assembly as Associate Pastor of Men’s Ministry under the leadership of Sr. Pastor Rev. Dr. St. Clair Mitchell.
Pastor Moore and Pastor Liz have taught Bible Studies for more than 25 years and currently teach a Home Life Cell group in their home. Pastor John believes if men are strong, then our homes and families will be strong, churches will be strong, communities will be strong and our nation will be strong.
Rev. Moore is ordained with International Fellowship of Ministers (IFM). Rev. Moore serves as Pastor of Men’s Ministries and gives oversight to the Communion Ministry and the Security Ministry. He also holds several diplomas and awards from various Military Schools and Civilian Schools majoring in Leadership Organization and Management, Psychology and sociology.
Rev. Moore and his wife Elizabeth are the parents of three adult daughters
Phone: 240-676-2463